I’ve been creating courses and helping clients create courses for almost 10 years and get asked the same questions. Here are the Top Questions that get Online Creators Stuck and How to Fix Them.
How Online Course Creators Can Use Membership Websites
A popular strategy for building and planning your online course is creating a membership website around the topic. Travis Northcutt shares his tips and strategies to maximize a membership site.
Facebook Ads for Online Courses with Jon Loomer
Meet Facebook Ads Expert Jon Loomer, The ‘Accidental’ Marketer and Online Course Creator. He shares his experience with, tips on, and insights into both marketing itself and online training, he calls himself an “accidental marketer” and…
Membership sites & Online Courses with Erin Chase of $5Dinners.com
Erin Chase of $5Dinners.com shares insights about her membership site and online courses on The Online Course Coach Podcast. I was able to get to know of Erin a bit at FinCon and knew I had to get her on the show.
How to Create a Video Training Library for Your Membership Site with John Highly
Video training is one of the best ways to teach your audience. There’s no shortage of niches that you can serve, teach and create an audience with, and John Highly of DentTrainer.com is a great example of this.
Building membership sites and value based pricing with Curtis McHale
Curtis McHale shares his insights and experiences on membership sites and value based pricing. Most developers don’t find a niche they love and can best serve, but Curtis has done just that.