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I’ve had the privilege of meeting Tom Ziglar several times and have always been impressed with the content that they share. I look to them for honest and integrity based sales training. In this Online Course Coach Podcast interview, Tom Ziglar shares a behind the scenes look into building Ziglar on Demand & why removing audio and video content made their membership site better. He also shares success tips for entrepreneurs and course creators.
I find it interesting that many course creators want to put ALL their information into a course. And I get it, we want to add value and teach everything we know. And while that’s a good thing, it might overwhelm your audience. There is also value in create an online course that delivers high quality content, but only what’s needed to master a topic. Think of how much your audience would pay if you offered a course that saved them time and only taught the necessary tactics? Plus, the students would probably finish it and find more value in the rapid learning they were able to do. Tom talks about why they originally put a LOT of content on their Ziglar on Demand online learning center, but then found out that more is not better. They looked at their website analytics and determined what their top content was and removed the rest. The result is that people are able to find the best content on their site and don’t get overwhelmed with all the additional content that is there within the site. How can you use this same strategy in your membership sites and online courses?
Get the free bonus audio interview – Tom Ziglar’s top sales and marketing strategies for online course creators.
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The Online Course Coach Podcast Questions
- What is something that you are learning and excited about right now?
- The listeners to this show are teachers, entrepreneurs and creators. What encouragement and hope can you provide to them?
- Some of the listeners are in the planning stages of their online courses and unsure of many things from course content, technical setup, and what success to expect. So how can someone move past the fear of the unknown?
- What is a success tip that has meant a lot to you over the years?
- Give us a background of Ziglar on Demand is?
- Why did you decide on putting Zig’s library of content online?
- Explain the process of putting Zig’s content online for Ziglar On Demand?
- What are some successes stories you’ve seen with it being online?
- Where can people learn more about you and Ziglar on Demand?
Online Course Coach Show notes
- Tom is building a strategy for his upcoming online course and program
- Live to Win – 7 weeks to balanced success
- He gets up early to do a “time capsule” to think through and plan his day
- Use your most creative time of the day to create…not answer emails, phone calls, etc.
- For Ziglar on Demand, they removed a lot of the content that they originally had, so that their best content is online, and not every single piece of Zig’s training
- http://ziglarvault.com has a lot of additional content
Get the free bonus audio interview – Tom Ziglar’s top sales and marketing strategies for online course creators.
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Podcast Transcript:
In this episode I talk with Tom Ziglar about the Ziglar Staples like hoping success as well as Ziglar on Demand.
Welcome to the online course coach podcast brought to you by true focusmedia.com. Whether you’re a beginner or expert this is the podcast for the latest in online course creation tips, news, interviews and ideas. And, here is your coach Jeff Long.
Jeff Long: Welcome back to another episode of the online course coach podcast. Again my name is Jeff Long and wow today I have with me somebody I have respected not only him, his company, but also his father, Zig Ziglar. So today we have on the show Tom Ziglar the CEO of Ziglar and I’ve gotten to meet Tom a few times and I’ll talk about that here a little bit. But we go in depth some of the content that they already have on their website, as well as a peak behind the scenes of a course that they are working on to launch next year. And, this actually was something I wasn’t even previewed to before we got in the conversation so it was fun for me to get a peek behind the scenes that you’ll have in the show as well. Before we get into the interview I want to talk about a cool contest that I’m running here over the next few weeks. As I mentioned in a previous episode and if you got to onlinecoursecoach.com/Fincon you can hear my thoughts about this conference, why I went and even why I think you should go. But, I’m giving away a free ticket to Fincon 2016 in San Diego. So if you’ve never been to Fincon this ticket is for you. And, why would you want to go to Fincon? Well it’s a place to get to know and learn from people like Pat Flynn, Jeff Goins, Noah Kagan, Vap Sumu, Chase Reeves and many more. That’s who is there. This last time in 2015 and I’m sure that similar people or the same people will be coming back in 2016. So it’s a conference for bloggers, podcasters and course creators primarily in the financial space but I can guarantee you if you’re not a financial planner or even in the financial space at all you’re still going to learn a lot at this conference, and I learned a lot and I’m not in the financial space either. In fact the week after I came back, actually the couple days after I came back I booked my tickets for 2016. So I’m giving away a free ticket to somebody that has never attended Fincon before. If you go to onlinecoursecoach.com/Finconticket you can register to win. Now I will say if you share this out you can get 10 more attempts for each person that signs up. So if you sign up 10 people you get 100 extra tickets with your name in that hat that I’ll draw out. So the more you share this out the more chances that you’ll win the free ticket to Fincon. So again go to onlinecoursecoach.com/Finconticket to learn more and sign up. But, before we get into the interview with Tom I do have a question I’ve actually been asked several times. I was at Fincon recently, I was at my mastermind group at Nashville not too long ago and a lot of times people say, you know…”what’s the best way to increase the engagement of my course?” There a lot of ways to create online courses, and you know that one option is to have it as a total self-study by the student. They are totally learning the content, they’re going through your videos, your text, your audios, if you have quiz and whatever are the content you’ll have. But a lot of times the student doesn’t get though the material. And to be honest you know, while I like making money and selling a course is fantastic I want true learning. So I want to know that that student has learned the material. So they’ve not just gone through, they’ve comprehended it, they’ve learned it and that they’ll be practicing component of it. Now I don’t expect that they are going to remember everything in my course but I do want them to walk away with some of the key take homes. So here are some ways to increase the engagement of your course. Maybe you have a stand-alone course, a self-study course, so here are some ways where you can take that engagement to the next level. 1. Seek the input of your audience when you’re creating your course. If you have an idea in mind send out a survey, ask your ideal customer, you know what are you looking for in this course? And probably they are going to tell you what they want and some of those things might be, maybe they want weekly webinars, maybe they want a private Facebook page or a community where people can share their own ideas. I’ve seen a lot of strings, I’ve seen a lot of courses two courses specifically, two membership sites that I’ve done some consulting with. They had an online form that was minimally used, people forgot about it, they didn’t want to log in on their phone. But, once that membership site went to a private Facebook page the interactions exploded. And so that’s a simple way of increasing engagement. I mentioned webinars, you know sometimes you might think oh I’ve got to have weekly webinars, daily webinars, hourly webinars. Now find out what works best for your customers, for your students and deliver that. It might be as simple as monthly webinars. I’m in a different mastermind group and they do have weekly webinars and to be honest it’s too much for me. You know I don’t get a chance to log in and even watch the replay because they are so many webinars and I would be fine. I would pay the same amount if they were monthly webinars so ask your target audience, ask your students what type of interaction would you like? Would you like to have webinars? Would you like to have group coaching? Would you like to have free email access for the month where you can ask private questions? Or would you like to have more of a community feel with a private Facebook page or even a forum. Sometimes forums are a better avenue depending on your target audience but simply ask them. To answer the question, how do I increase the engagement of my students for my course? Well first of all ask them, ask them what they want. You might find that webinars, private Facebook groups, communities, things like that will help your engagement. If you have a question for the show I’d be happy to answer it. Simply shoot me an email at [email protected]. Let me know what your question is I’d be happy to answer it on the show.
Well today I am so excited to have Tom Ziglar on the show. I’ve been admiring him at a distance for a while. I’ve got to meet him, I got to hear Zig a while ago. I was trying to remember when it was. It was probably 8 to 10 years ago I’m guessing that Zig came to my town here in Ohio and spoke to a sold out group of thousands of people. And, there were other speakers, I’m trying to remember some of them. Cohan Powell might have been in that group and there were some other well known speakers, but to be honest I was there to listen to Zig and he delivered everything I thought he would. It was impactful, powerful, memorable, funny and engaging. So if you haven’t heard much of Zig Ziglar definitely go to YouTube, go to Google, go to Ziglar.com get to know him there’s a wealth of information. Now i do have some personal interactions with Tom in the company and it’s both good and bad. And, so unfortunately a few years ago when Zig died I had the privilege of making a tribute video for Zig and we took some actors, we took some…a passage from Zig’s first book and we had them just create a tribute video that was meaningful and that video got passed around to Tom and his family. And, from what I understand it was an emotional response to this video. In fact Tom gave me a video testimonial and he said something like of all the videos that we’ve done in the past with Ziglar, this is easily in one of the top 5 videos as far as impact. That meant a lot to me you know, Tom and Zig and a lot of people at the Ziglar Company have done a lot of videos over the decades. And for Tom to say my video was one of the most impactful meant a lot. So I’ve always had this place in my heart for Zig, for Tom and the whole company. I love what they’re doing so to have him on the show today it meant a lot. It wasn’t just oh I admire this person from a far but I have this interaction with them and admire what they are doing both in person, in their seminars, in their trainings those in their books and online. In fact I was privilege to have Tom sign one of my books. It’s the Born to Win Book and it’s a great book, a highly recommended so check it out on Audible or Amazon or you can buy the physical book as well. Tom and I had a great conversation, there were a lot of questions that I was able to ask him to put in this show but I’m also giving a bonus. I asked Tom what’s some of his top sales in marketing strategies for people with online business and he gave some great content. So to get that free audio simply go to onlinecoursecoach.com/ziglar where you can sign up and download that audio for free where he answers some of his top sales and marketing strategies for people with online businesses. Well let’s get right into the show. Now I know most of you have heard about Zig Ziglar and what the company Ziglar is doing. Well it started with Zig decades ago they still have trainers and speakers and people that can come not just to motivate and educate but also instruct. And so they have taught hundreds of thousands of people through their trainings, through their books, through their podcast as well as their online content that we’ll talk about towards the end of the show. Not only does the Ziglar company work with entrepreneurs and individuals but fortune 50 companies turn to Ziglar first for cooperate training, sales training, presentational skills, personal development and a lot more. And individuals seeking success in their personal development, locational fullfillment and faith flock to Ziglar as a primary source that addresses all three. And, so withe me today I have Tom Ziglar, the President and CEO of Ziglar. Tom thanks so much for being on the online course coach podcast today.
Tom Ziglar: It’s great to be here Jeff, I’m excited.
Jeff Long: Thank you, thank you. So Tom what is something that you are learning and excited about right now?
Tom Ziglar: Well I tell you Jeff I’m putting together a program for next year and I’m really building a strategy to do a lot of speaking and key notes and in front of large groups. And I’m building a strategy to not only have a great presentation while I’m there but to also equip people and to get them excited about an online offering that’s kind of a group training and coaching program along with online learning. So just kind of combining it all together. So it’s kind of a new thing. Not that any of these things we haven’t done before but it’s the first time we put it together in an integrated package.
Jeff Long: That’s great. Well we have to have you back on when that’s up and live and we can take a look at it that sounds really exciting.
Tom Ziglar: It is I’m looking forward to it because my dad, Zig Ziglar he used to say this. He would say that, this is awful the standards Standford study was actually quoting, “95% of the people who get inspired to take action at an event never do because they don’t have the resource materials to follow through with”. So it’s really important when we are out there at a live event inspiring people that they have the resources to take with them. Otherwise they don’t have the capacity to follow through.
Jeff Long: Now can you give us a sneak peek or a behind the scenes description of what some of that content will be for this new thing you’re rolling out.
Tom Ziglar: Yeah the program that I’m going to be rolling out is going to be called “Live to Win: 7 Weeks to Balance Success”. And, the idea and the principle behind it is there’s a quote that I have called somebody is funny it is an event in Australia not too long ago, somebody asked me, they said, “what’s the fastest way to success?” And I said, the fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits and it just kind of popped out of my mouth. Somebody in the room wrote it down, in fact it was the host of the event. He got up after the break, read that quote and I’m like did I really say that. Because it sounds pretty good right?
Jeff Long: Right.
Tom Ziglar: So for the last six weeks I’ve been trying to poke holes in that and I can’t because the reality is, is that anytime you replace a bad habit with a good habit amazing things happen. I mean just imagine this as a simple example, but if you drank a couple of soft drinks everyday that’s not a good habit that’s a bad habit and if you replace that with water over the course of the year how much different physiology would you be. You know would you lose weight, would you have more energy, would you be in better health? Well of course you would. You can do that in every area of your life. If you just take the bad habits and your mental aspects, your spiritual, your financial, your career, your personal, your family, whatever and you’ve replaced those with good habits then amazing things will happen and so kind of the integration of this is I’m going to create a handout or a mini workbook for people to go through when I do the live presentation. However, the last 6 or 7 chapters are sections of this workbook we’re not going to be able to get to in the live presentation we just want to have enough time but we will have an offering where people can purchase and get an online course where I’ll be doing live webinars and we’ll be covering each one of those areas on a weekly basis. So they’ll be excited about the program while they’re there they’ll have all the resources in their fingertips if they want to use it but if they want more information they can join me live on a weekly basis so that’s the concept.
Jeff Long: And that’s so good and I like that you’re doing that live component because I’ve talked with a lot of people that are doing these online courses and things and some of our own clients in research. And, when you add that live component there is so much more value because there’s interaction, there’s accountability and it’s not just the student is on their own so I’m glad you guys are doing that live element to it.
Tom Ziglar: One of the people that we work with, he just got his Masters or it’s actually his Doctorate in Blended Learning. And, Blended Learning is kind of a new category but what it is it’s a combination of face to face training online. And in the online it’s not just going online to train, you know like passively but it’s also online in regards to what it means to like if you have a communication. Like if you have a forum or if people can ask questions, or they can do things like that. And what they’ve learned is that people benefit the most from face to face training but are in the classroom in live settings. But some people in that room they don’t communicate, they don’t feel comfortable communicating. And so if you can create a forum online where they can ask questions and give responses it gives the best of both worlds.
Jeff Long: Yeah.
Tom Ziglar: So that’s what we are trying to do.
Jeff Long: That’s fantastic. So I know in especially in reading your book, “Born to Win” you take about hope and encouragement being an important part of an entrepreneurs journey. To our listeners to this show are teachers, and entrepreneurs and creators, so what would you have to say to them about hope and encouragement especially when creating the online courses or teaching people?
Tom Ziglar: Oh yeah, I’ll tell you what in this area, in all area of life hope is so important but especially in this because a lot of times you know we are kind of in that cave creating and we are doing it all, we have an instinct, we are going to make this happen but yet we don’t have a lot of feedback’s sometimes until we launch it. There’s not a lot of proof in the putting other than some of the other things that we do that will validate what we are doing now and so we got to have that hope that’s lifting us and that’s why it’s so important to understand this simple principle. And that is that people without hope won’t take action right. So a lot of times when people aren’t taking action on something it’s because they’ve lost the hope. So when somebody is stuck you wonder to yourself why is it, why are they stuck you know. Is it quote and quote create a block, a writer’s block or is it really just a loss of hope. And, that’s where it’s so important to think of your target audience, you know your customers, the person who’s going to benefit the most for that. When you’re talking to your target audience then you’ve got to really understand what it is that they want, what they are looking for and when you know that then you can say okay that’s what they want. What are one or two things I can do right now that will give them what they need in order to be successful.
Jeff Long: Yeah.
Tom Ziglar: You focus on what you can do right now and literally when you start doing one or two things everyday that’s going to solve your target audiences problem and that creates hope in itself because now you’re focused on solving somebody’s problems rather than whether this is going to work or not.
Jeff Long: Yeah.
Tom Ziglar: And that’s a huge difference.
Jeff Long: I love that hope is the opposite of fear a lot of times. You know I’ve actually gotten to hear you speak a few times here in Ohio. I got to hear your dad speak years ago and I love that a lot of the foundation of what you offer is hope, is encouragement. I just want to read, just a short passage from your book, “Born to Win” and then get your thoughts on it because it does build off of this idea of hope. So the opposite of that it talks about doing new things. So it says…”Doing new things involves change. And change is something lots of people avoid because of the fear of the failure. In fact the fear of the failure is often strong enough to keep some people from taking the first step. But there is one reason that covers about 95 percent of those fears and that reason can be overcome simply, quickly and effectively. What is that reason? It is simply the fear of the unknown. This is the fear that results from being unfamiliar with the thing you are going to be doing.” So my questions is, how have you gone over that fear of the unknown? You know you guys have been doing some innovative things, you are always cutting edge and seen what’s next so how do as you are leading your company, get over that fear of the unknown.
Tom Ziglar: Well, I remember speaking with the business owner at one time and the suggestion of the business owner was you know why don’t you get your top 10 customers that you already have? Why don’t you call them back and talk about this other solution that you have? Right? And the fear of the unknown was keeping them from doing that. Right? Because, well I don’t want to mess up a good customer. You know they are already like this what happens if I call them and I say something wrong? I mean they weren’t expressing that but that’s what we were thinking. And then so we asked the follow up question well, in the past when you have talked to your customers did you have a good relationship? Yes. So there really is no reason to think it would go south, correct? Yeah, and then we asked what’s the worst that could happen then? Well they could say no. Okay, what’s the difference between them and not calling them? Nothing. And so really the only good thing to do was to call them because then at least you have a chance for growth. And so a lot of times you have to look out to the fear of unknown right in its eyes and go wait a second. It’s probably a bigger reason to take action that it is not to take action. Right. Because really it should be faith of the unknown because I have confidence in my ability and the reality is that if I don’t do it or if I do it and they say no, the result is the same. But the only chance I have of the yes, is to call them. So the fear of the unknown now becomes a positive because it’s more likely I am going to get positive or neutral response than a negative response as it’s going to make me any worse than I am right now.
Jeff Long: That’s so good. That’s so good because I recommend to, to almost all of our……the listeners of this broadcast as well as our clients. Whenever we are thinking of creating an online course, I say “hey, call top 10 of your ideal customers and ask them” and I say, hey we are “thinking of creating this course and here is our thoughts about how it will look and the content and what are your thoughts? Would you purchase this?” And a lot of time that fear of calling you know is a road block and you are not selling anything yet and so that’s such a good strategy of just walking through that worst case. What is that worst case?
Tom Ziglar: Fear.
Jeff Long: A lot of times it’s not as scary as we think it would be. You know, nobody is dying, nobody is having tragic events happen just because they don’t you know return our call or….or you know say yes to the sailor or whatever it might be.
Tom Ziglar: Right.
Jeff Long: So, Tom you have been around a lot of successful people. You have….you know done a lot of writing, a lot of speaking. But what is the success tip that has meant a lot to you over the years?
Tom Ziglar: You know probably the biggest one that has come my way in the last few years is I started….. I used… I have been getting up early for a long time. But instead of just getting up early to get my stuff done, I just tried to go ahead and plan my first hour, hour and half of the day into what we call a time capsule. The time capsule concept that phraseology I got from our small business partner Howard Partridge. He is our exclusive to small business cottage. I think you have met Howard, Jeff.
Jeff Long: I did, yeah.
Tom Ziglar: But the…. so what that means is that when I get up in the morning, instead of just letting the day happen and unfold, I have a purpose when I get up. I spend my first 30 to 45 minutes in a quiet time and you know getting that first thinking done I will have my coffee, I will be waking up, I will think what I want to accomplish. I’ll…. I’ll… I will have that quiet time, that devotional time. And then I will have okay these are the top 3, 4 thing I got to have done today and I will work on those and then I will go out and I will check emails and stuff like that and I do all of that before [7:30] or [8:00] in the morning. So I am getting up at [5:00] or [5:30] and getting that done before rest of the world is going. By making that simple change, by not only starting my day earlier than most people but also being focus on how I start my day early. I get a great head start on the day which is incredible you know. And now with the creation of the new material, I am going to time blocking into the very first part of the day writing and creating this new content. I work with people and some people are morning people like me and other people are evening people and few have the discipline and the schedule that allows you to do the same thing in the evening or late in the day. That’s okay it’s just for me and for most people it’s more difficult. And second thing, I got this tip from Seth Goden and he said, “Understand you’re most creative time of the day place the ultimate value on your most creative time of the day where for an hour or hour and half or however long you can spare and how can I hold that time sacred to do my creative work.
Jeff Long: Yeah, Yeah. And that’s so good and I like that a lot of that content like you have given a lot before and I have noticed that during our this transition, that some that content of sales and marketing training is actually on your website on your Ziglar on demand of range. So give me a little background of what this Ziglar on demand site or system is?
Tom Ziglar: Yeah, so what we did is we took all of dad’s kind of legendary legacy courses. It’s primarily audio although there are probably 8 or 10 hours of video on there. Dad doing his presentations on personal development, attitude, motivation, goal setting, sales, leadership you know different areas of faith. But in total over 60 hours of content and they are in different programs. So if you could come to our retail store or online Ziglar.com and you buy the cd series cottage after marriage, we have taken that same audio program and we put it in Ziglar on demand. So, the idea is that it somebody wanted to place the start if they wanted content from Zig Ziglar and they wanted in the audio format then they would become a member of the Ziglar on demand and the reason to unfold one is the instant access through either computer or smart phone and so almost everybody has a smart phones these days.
Jeff Long: Right.
Tom Ziglar: So all I have to do is login and they can hit play and they can start listening. And two is its expensive niche product around the world and a lot of times people don’t want to commit to one program that might be a couple of hundred dollars whether in download or in a hard copy and so they like the idea of the subscription and so the value for the materials in subscription format is amazing. It’s if you bought all the content of 1200 dollars, that retail that’s what it would be if we shipped it to you but you can get the online library with everything in it for either 99 a month or 999 dollars a year.
Jeff Long: That’s great.
Tom Ziglar: And with the international market, I think about 30 percent of the people on our list these days are international. And so then we really don’t have the options to have to ship a hardcopy to them so we put all the stuff there because we want more people to have access to it and then of course the cost to get it to it is so much smaller when you do it this way.
Jeff Long: Yeah, yeah. So Tom, explain the process of putting Zig’s content online you know is it hard to dig everything up because he has so many….so many materials. What was that process and even some of the strategies like to put it on online?
Tom Ziglar: Well, I tell you that’s a great question. Because when we first came out with it, the original name was called success 2.0 and we had all this content plus we had about another 100 hours of material on there. And what we found is that you know more is not better. People they get in there and it all starts to look the same after a while and so when we came out with Ziglar on demand, what we did, you know we just want them eat. We just want very best for what we are known for and so we took out about 65 to 70 of the content and just left the core material to talk about.
Jeff Long: Wow.
Tom Ziglar: But now, we will go back from time to time it’s part of our strategy to add in some courses and take out some courses and we also have the capacity although we haven’t……we haven’t started we have the capacity to let a member see a program that they haven’t see before and they might get paid a little extra for it.
Jeff Long: Hmmm
Tom Ziglar: So if it says specific sales trading course or a marketing course for small business owner or whatever. It may not be included in the 995 a month but they can get this new course for say 10 or 20 or 50 dollars or whatever it is. So it is a way to not overwhelm for no reason at all because if we put all their stuff in there they are not going anywhere because they don’t see the value in it.
Jeff Long: Yeah.
Tom Ziglar: But it also gives you the upsell ability. So, that’s part of the process. We have done a light of digitization and we just got more to do. We have got whole vault of material that needs to be prepared.
Jeff Long: Sure.
Tom Ziglar: But, you know it’s……it’s about at the end of the day what we found is that people want a combination of tried and true material they know work, is timeless. And then they also want relevant today ready information. That…. That we know that comments on what it’s like to sell in the fall of 2015 in the internet age where everything going on because things change so rapidly.
Jeff Long: Yeah. Now I love that you guys had a lot more content on their and I remember when…..when success 2.0 was launched mind your e-mail less and you then got that. And now did you have people email you and say…tell you, “here there is too much content on their “or did you do a survey? How did you find that there was too much content and removing some of it was actually benefit to the end user?
Tom Ziglar: The…..you know obviously we can look at material that have been accessed.
Jeff Long: Hmmm
Tom Ziglar: So we could tell just by user habits what are they getting into and what they work. You know we have few super users I call them constantly considering everything. But you know even dad’s teaching he said you need to listen something 16 or 17 times before you really know it. And so if you have 60 hours of content and you listen to that 17 times, but that’s going to take a long time. The other thing I thing is that when you have so much there, it’s easily get lazy, right?
Jeff Long: Sure.
Tom Ziglar: It’s easy to just say “well it’s there I am going to get any time”. But when you a specific program for a specific purpose and somebody has a desire and need for that, then there urgency goes way out. So, by targeting those kind of things, I think we do better. We serve the market better, we make it more timely and people use it more.
Jeff Long: That’s so good. That’s what I have found in lot of different industries with online training whether it’s corporate, whether it’s entrepreneurial is a lot of time…. usually more content is not better. So, having you know….the key the most important courses are….are….are good. And then like you said, you could always add more content into the future or even create different spinoff courses or…or contents that they can purchase separately as well.
Tom Ziglar: Yep…with the new series that we are doing to live and the idea isn’t to do brand new content we do on webinar. The idea is to expand a little bit on the core of each lesion which might take 30 minutes of live training but then it gives plenty of time for Q&A. Because where you are today is probably going to be different then where you will be 6 months from now when are you are going through same thing again so your questions are going to be different and that’s what’s relevant.
Jeff Long: Yeah. Now have you have or you could share a success story you had by having this content online. You know somebody come online and view the material and just had the huge success story that you can share?
Tom Ziglar: We have had a number of them. In fact one of the things that’s pretty interesting is that we have the Ziglar shell podcast which is free via ITunes. And we had an episode maybe a couple of months ago where we gave away Zig Ziglar’s self-talk card. In the self-talk card, it is literary like this one page card of affirmations. And we on the episode of the podcast we said, “download this top self-talk card it’s free and we would love to hear anything you have to say about it”. We had over 2000 of those downloaded which is a pretty huge job from a podcast which is one four of media to a website you know you got to type it in to go get it, right. And, the download we had dozens of people email us about how there lige erratically changed because of doing this self-talk affirmation card every day for 30 days. And this is just simple, I mean it’s….you know it takes somebody’s 3 minutes in a day to do that. Going back on Ziglar on demand and its predecessor success 2.0, we have people today who are Ziglar legacy certified trainers because of that curriculum, because they were getting all the information online and they were plugged in. Then when we said, would you like to be a certified trainer?” They jumped up, they were ready for it because have been preparing all this time. So it has significant benefits to them and to us. As I kind of customer lifecycle when you bring somebody in and you give them all this material that…..that takes them to the next level. Then if you have more programs, they are ready for that and quipped to go make that happen.
Jeff Long: Yeah. Yeah I love that you mentioned the customer lifecycle. You know it started, attention ally it would start out as podcast and then it downloads some material and then they view it on Ziglar on demand and then become a coach I mean there’s a lot of steps they can go to and that always help you guys financially and all that stuff. But, it serves them because they are helping others succeed. That’s……that’s such a brilliant…..not even a strategy but a result of the training and the content that you provide.
Tom Ziglar: Yeah.
Jeff Long: So, Tom where can people more….learn more about you and Ziglar on demand?
Tom Ziglar: Well the best place to go is Zigglar.com and on our homepage you will see if you scroll down a little bit you will just see a huge button about Ziglar-on-demand and it will give you…you know what it takes to invest, how to subscribe and everything else. You could find me at Ziggler.com as well. Another thing that was rolling out I don’t know I……since everybody here seems to be online learning and podcasting world. You might want to check this strategy out. We are….we have a website called theZiglarvault. It’s just the Zigglervault.com and on this site we have all of our articles and we have some videos there. And these are all kind of content leading articles. They are very short articles but they are… they give how to actions steps and everything else and this week actually we are hosting on there a free download. A free download is going to be 7 or 8 of Zig’s greatest iconic stories on family and on sales, on success, on goal setting, on motivation, on leadership and so on that you will be able to get this free download. And we are doing this because you know never wanted a fantastic way for people to get introduced to the Zig Ziglar’s message. But number two is that we are in that download we are going to talk about Ziglar-on-demand and where all of these you know where rest of the stories so to speak is found on Ziglar-on-demand. So, it’s a pretty good strategy and we are hoping that it works well but we are going to see what that does so if you are interested on Ziglar-on-demand, I would definitely go to Ziglarvault.com and look for that free download. It should have been posted at the end of articles and things like that.
Jeff Long: That’s great… that’s great I will post it in the show notice as well. So, to the viewers, to the listeners excuse me, definitely go check that out Ziglarvault.com you can learn more about that. Well Tom, I would you know…..have asked a lot more questions, I love what you guys are going specially as it relates to online learning and helping serve your audience. But thanks you so much for being on the show today.
Tom Ziglar: Oh, my pleasure it’s great to be here. Thanks for having me.
Jeff Long: Well where you go, I hope you enjoyed interview with Tom as much as I did and it’s always great interviewing thought leaders like Tom Ziglar. Because you know you just ask the simple question of what hope you have or what tips can you provide and they just give so many good things. So I wanted the first half of the show to be more about the mindset, about encouragement, about different tips and tricks that Tom has seen and done and recommends. And then as we got into the Ziglar on Demand content we were able to talk about different strategies that they found successful which You know I find time and again the more content you add doesn’t always equal more value. So don’t feel that you have to have tons of tons of content. One idea is to ask your audience. Secondly, once that content is up on your course use analytics. You can look at you…if you are using a video hosting platform Wistia you could use YouTube I don’t recommend it. Vimeo pro you can see if people are watching that, those videos or you can look at your other analytics to see if they’re making there way through the course. So don’t feel locked in like hey the more content, the more lessons, the more modules is better. Sometimes more is overwhelming. So how will you use this content in your own online course? Are you going to pare down the content? Are you going to ask your customer base what they want? I would love to hear what you’ll have to say so shoot me an email Jeff (at) onlinecoursecoach (dot) com, let me know what you liked about this episode, let me know what you are going to put into action. And also don’t forget about those bonus audios of Tom top sales and marketing strategies for people with online businesses. So if you’re listening to this on your phone, go to onlinecoursecoach.com/Ziglar. You can sign up directly on your phone, your computer, your tablet and get that bonus audio sent to you directly. Hey just as we wrap up don’t forget that Fincon ticket give away. And if you know somebody that could benefit from that or is interested in that go ahead and forward this podcast to that person say, “Hey you can register for our free ticket. If you never attended Fincon before check it out you might win a free ticket”. And then lastly I would be honored if you were to share this out. So share it on Facebook, on Twitter, on whatever social media channel you’re using especially if you are on your phone. So I listen to a lot of podcast when I’m working out, when I’m in the car, when I’m washing dishes, when I have some spare time. And most podcast Apps have a share button, so go ahead, share that right now to Facebook, to Twitter, anything else I would be honored. Feel free to tag me especially on Twitter @Jeff_Long and tell me what you like about the show, share it to your friends and community and let’s see if we can get more people engaged in the podcast and continue to build the community. And I’ve been so impressed with so many of you that have reached out through Twitter, through email and ask me questions, and have given me tips. It’s been extremely helpful. In fact just today somebody had listened to a previous podcast with James Shramko and had tweeted back and forth some of the different things they had liked and learn from the episode. So I really appreciate that. Well keep coming back to the online course coach podcast where it’s truly my goal to help you to teach many to reach millions.